a new word that is needed in NY is one to replace gerrymandering.

a few years ago, after a very, very, very questionable election district was drawn, (mine, state assembly, actually), the state actually passed a law, that specifically prohibitted gerrymandering.

Now, manhattan is being redistricted, and the NYTimes has been carefull not to use the G word, but has defined some districts as looking like they were drawn by a child with impared hand/eye coordindation.

Manhattan is about 3.5 miles wide, and 13 miles long. the district in question is less than 1 mile wide, (except in 2 places, and 10 miles long...two other districts "wrap around it.. (each about .5 miles wide and 5 miles long, along side, and each with a "block" at the end (think of a flag shape; One upright and one inverted, only the "flag pole is crooked, in each case!)

but these districts are not gerrymandered! couldn't be, its against the law!
(my state district in order to follow state law, that requires districts to be contiguous..ran over a bridge, and was only contiguous at low tide! it covered 3 state counties, the coastline of Westchester, the Bronx and Queens counties! it was the one that provoced outlawing gerrymandering.)