And, throughout history, there have been many gods who have been horny in its more normal implication.

Yes. Sadly lacking today, however. They're all bleedin' celibate!

Gods, as far as I can tell, are reflections of ourselves as we would like to be. Rather than "God created man in his own image" (have I got that right?), it's "Man creates gods in his own image".

The Old Testament god is a completely different kettle of fish from the New Testament god. The Jewish (Old Testament) god is a knock 'em down, drag 'em out moralist deity with no room for flexibility or even the vaguest hint of a sense of humour (look what happened when Moses' camp-followers or fellow-travellers built themselves a graven image). The Christian god is the forgiving type - half a dozen "Hail Marys", if you're Catholic, and all's right with the world again. If you're not Catholic, it's even less bother.

And to quote from the gospel according to Brian: " 'e's not the messiah, 'e's a very naughty boy!"

The idiot also known as Capfka ...