Working for an itty-bitty telco as I do, it was interesting to note your post Max, to whit: Telecom NZ is privately, not state, owned. It is also widely loathed and resented here as the bully-boy monopolist, making very healty(sic) profits at the expense of its customers, and cynically crushing attempts at establishing real competition. It is held in the same sort of esteem that M$ is in the software world. I supect that most NZers are simply wishing that Telecom had so addressed them. (I know I am)

Substitute Telecom for Telstra (the O$$ie equivalent) and you've got the situation here.

Just add a bit of spin to what seems to be a widespread impression about monopolistic telco's and you have the key ingredient to a sales pitch! I never fail to mention in my opening remarks to prospective clients that we are a competitor to Telstra. You can just see them thinking, "I hate those arrogant bastards , maybe these blokes are one way of not having to use Telstra anymore".

Does anybody out there actually like their telephone service provider? (Our customers are excluded from this survey!)
