When I first started work, in 1956, I was required to wear a titfer by my company (NCR-UK; Sales Promotion Dept.)

I was alone among my contemporaries. We had all been forced to wear caps at school, and took the first opportunity that offered to go uncovered in the world - except me, that is! I have worn a hat all my life, except in bed, although now it is a proletarian cloth cap that I sport. (Mind you, I do have a rather stunning Panama for holidays abroad )

BTW, Geoff - although I join with you in deploring the sartorial sloppiness of the baseball cap, I can't agree with you that it is not "a proper hat" - any piece of head gear which fulfills the purpose of covering your head, or shading your eyes, neck or wherever, constitutes a "proper" hat, surely?

I, also, sigh for the days when it was "proper" to remove ones headgear on entering a room, or on meeting a woman.