Maybe, we should start with some themes, and then, we could "join a team" for a theme (no limits, if we form 8 theme teams, i could be on all (not likely!) or none (again, not likely!)

some themes that have had a go as threads include

crossing the pond (either/both!-- word that have radically different meanings in UK, Oz, NZ, Canada and US)

Tools of the trade-printers words, and geology and, oh, i am not looking it up, fishes and sea creatures(itc/something/ology!)and other specialize words -- some of which have come into common usage..if coelacanth can be used in a tv commercial..

Words with interesting roots this is a theme Anu has used, and we certainly have explored it..

and (your theme here!)
we could use some of anu themes.. or make up our own.. (a theme of anagrams? beheading words? and ducking, now on my way out, food