The US, a state established with out any organized religion, by a group of men that at best, called them selves Diest.. (the sort of believed in the idea of god, but hadn't settled on any one demomination or sect of christianity,) has become one of the most relious countries about.

Oz got off to a better start-- you had convicts! we had religious fanatics. and we still do. Fact is, a greater percent of US population attends a church services, with greater regularity, here, than almost any where else in the free world.

we started out with a dozen or so sects, but that wasn't enough.. we went on to create new ones.. most are nominal christian.. but some like LDS (later day saints, more commonly known as mormans) are pretty much at the edge of christian beliefs.. and most large cities, (well east coast) have a fairly large percent of santana--denegrated as voo-doo, it is nature as god religion.

there are sect and sub sects, and even science fiction writers can make up a religion.. just look at Dyanetics.

with all these religious types abounding, it not hard to find a crowd that looks unkindly on swearing..

me, i am a diest, i believe in god.. but swearing? don't forget, it was god who told the devil, Go to hell, and as for jesus, he was mine kind of guy, his first public appearence, he goes to a wedding party, and when the liquer runs out, turns water into wine, and on the last night before he dies, he goes out drinking with his buddies.. almost enough to make anyone a christian.

excuse me now, while i run and duck for cover..