RE:sulking because nobody complimented him upon his Addiction

i actually think focusing on stranger, newbie, addict, and all the other titles is stupid, and leads to the idea that being a pooh bah is superior to a newbie..

i am very pleased that no one notice my last two title changes.. i don't think being a pooh bah means anything, except i have a good on line connections, and more time on line than some. Annastrophic has been around much longer, and still isn't a pooh bah-- does that make her contributions less valuable?

I don't care about the titles.. i can see how, at first, this board attracted users who where not familiar with BB software, and the idea of titles. but since we know the title are just a soft ware "feature" why do we still think they are important?

if you are new, you can click on Max's signature, which will take you to his wonderful page with tips, trick and links back to some discussion about titles.. or you could LIU.