Meglio fringuello in man che tordo in frasca = Better a finch in hand than a thrush on a branch = A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Troppi cuochi guastano il pranzo = Too many cooks spoil the dinner = Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Chi dorme, non piglia pesci = He who sleeps catches no fish = The early bird catches the worm.

Non fare il passo piu lungo della gamba = Don't take a step longer than your leg = Don't bit off more than you can chew.

Quando si e in ballo, bisogna ballare = When at a dance, one must dance = In for a penney, in for a pound.

Poco brigata, vita beata = The less company, the more peaceful life = (sort of) Two's company, three's a crowd.