Thanks Hev - confirmed my understanding. Which puts the "Surprise!!" / "Spontaneous decision" of Elton John to get married to Renee whatsername years ago in Sydney into complete b***sh** category. Somebody knew about it for at least 30 days.

We have Federal and State Law for just about everything in Oz. It's very important that this be so because it requires lots of duplication of jobs (state to state and state to Canberra). This is the best way that's been found so far to minimise unemployment.

There are very few constants between states however. Popular items for nationalisation are things like gay reform (well behind the eight ball in Tasmania) and mandatory sentencing in WA (and the NT) on the "three strikes and you're out" principle.

Until recently, WA was a happy recalcitrent with its road rules. Use of hand held mobiles was OK until only a few months ago (banned everywhere else), maximum speed limit is 110km/h c/f 100 everywhere else - except for the NT - where there is NO speed limit outside the metro area. Our acceptable limit of alcohol in fully licensed drivers was 0.08 when all other states it was 0.05. Because most state road funding is doled out by the federal government however, WA was forced to bring these rules in line with other states - or risk losing much of the funding.

Each state also operate their own drivers' licensing scheme and, although I believe moves are afoot to nationalise it, ones driving record is only applicable to the state the license is issued. Thus, if you accrue sufficient points to lose your license in one state, you can get a "clean" license if you establish a residence interstate. (I implemented this when I moved from NSW to WA - was getting near the points limit. Must say however that after 17 years in WA my record has been exemplary.)
