In a recent thread-- Kieva posted.. doesn't speak for this board.

What a great reminder! of course he is right, X doesn't speak for this board, and neither does Kieva, or me or any one else!

this board is pure anarchy! by convention, we have sort of stuck to the original premise, that is, to use this board as forum for discussing language and words.. but hey i know board that started out in the 80's (back before there was a WWW!) as a fun silly place for cow jokes.. and evolved over time to a mad cow information clearing house.. the focus changed!

I am so glad you are back here posting Kieva. and i hope others return.. and keep this board filled with lots of interesting words.. and let the board speak for itself!

is there a word for that? is this board governed by anarchy? --it would seem not.. there is no government, not much structure or order (since we have established the basis is an off the shelf bulliten board software.. with very few modifications) and yet, there is something here that keep us, even as we drift into food, or science, or sports, focused on the interesting words these subjects have bequethed our language.

i think sometimes it can be boring to discuss words in the abstract.. the best thread for me, have been the ones that explored the world of word used in a specific realm.

Certain sports has provided a number of idioms- as has food.. and local names for geological features, or even street names.. and sheep...What is our fascination with sheep? its not just CK, it's Faldage and Dr bill and well, even i like the critters... (she said sheepishly!)and now we are discussing them as food, whiskers, and clothing..