As she has now reached the irreducible level, a poem [abbreviated] may illustrate the difficulty of her rising again:

A whale of great porosity / and small specific gravity,
Dived down with much velocity / beneath the sea's concavity.

But soon the weight of water / squeezed in his large immensity,
Which varied -- as it ought to -- / Inversely as his density.

It would have moved to pity / an Ogre or a Hessian,
To see poor Spermaceti / thus suffering compression.

At length old million-pounder, / low on a bed of coral,
Gave his last dying flounder, / whereto I pen this moral,

O, let this tale dramatic, / anent the whale Norwegian
And pressure hydrostatic, / warn you, my young collegian,

That down-compelling forces / increase as you get deeper;
The lower down your course is, / the upward path's the steeper.