Dear Geoff,

Sad and sick, huh? I can relate to days like those. But they pass, and that's the good of just putting one foot in front of the other.

There are names on this board that cause me always to read a little more closely--not that I want to exclude reading everybody with care, but, heh, we've all got limited focused reading time. Anyway, yours is one of the names that causes me to read your posts with care when I'm on a thread of interest to me. (I skip lots of threads--this one, for instance, fo a long time.)

Anyway, since you're not on the PM line, I thought I'd just go ahead and post outright here that I hope you're not serious about checking out--that it was just a sad day, and that things aren't as transient and tentative as you may have felt the other day.

Best regards,