Sometimes I think of this place like a fun house full of doors, a door labeled library may take me down a passageway to the garden. I have learned about drippy windows and Australian culture(?) and many points in between.

I will say my favorite AWAD moment didn't happen on the board. But it was the board that got me in trouble. I had gone to the doctor at my husband's request and when I got home I checked out the board. I found a really funny quote and wrote it on a sticky pad that was handy. It happened to be one from the pharmacy (with a drug listed at the top ya know the free giveaway kind of sticky pad). My husband came home, found the note and thought it was for him. He read the note quickly, but not carefully, and couldn't believe my doctor would say such a thing to me. The quote; "My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre," he muttered to himself, "and that I am therefore excused from saving universes." DA