So many things jump to mind it's hard to sort out the "best" of them but I'll try.
I got the computer around Christmas 2000 and was pretty cyber-naive, but after reading that great Smithsonian article on A.Word.A.Day I couldn't wait to get here once I got online. I was peeking in for awhile before I ventured my first post on eponyms, "bogart," which got some mild and interesting attention. But then my next venture, "When did pronunciation/sp. of Neanderthal change?" created such a stir that my home mailbox loaded up with messages, and I thought "ommigod!" what did I get myself into! And I was in for quite a ride answering, searching info, and trying to keep up with y'all, and some of the, then unfamiliar, tangents the thread was taking. Yiikes! Dat was fun! But after that I was hooked for good! And I especially remember all the warm and welcoming PMs surrounding those experiences, and I thank everyone for their gracious cordiality. Especially Hyla's hi Chris! (where is Froggy-Daddy?) endearing public pronouncement, "Whitman - you definitely merit the "stranger" appellation under your name, but I applaud your resolve." A laugh I will always cherish!

And then, of course, their was the day when I answered someone's mention of bluegrass music in a post, and that "someone" turned out to be Jackie...and with her warm heart and Kintucky spirit she made me feel at home here right away, and has become one of the closest and most rewarding friendships I've ever experienced on or off the board! What a delight to know you! And one of my most beautiful moments here was receiving, early in our friendship, a very poigant and moving correpsondence about her experience with an ill friend which stirred my heart, and added gratitude and meaning for each new day of living...something, Jackie, I will always cherish. Just lovely.
And not to mention Jackie's talent for being the AWAD Welcome Wagon!

Speaking of beautiful, I also remember a thread of such moving esoteric beauty that it caused many here to comment that it just might be AWAD's finest moment, "time on my hands." Alphatized by the one and only tsuwm thanks, Mike!. And if not THE best, then it certainly merits a look by new folks and any who missed it to see that amidst our infrequent (ahem) moments of transitory bedlam there are many many more moments of shining gentle stars!

I recall all the support and friendship offered by concerned folks at a moment of hurt, many of whom I hardly knew, and I'm especially grateful for all that kindness extended to me when I didn't know where to turn. There's a lot of special people here! Jackie, Jo, Keven, Gin, Connie, Bingley, and all the others who extended a shoulder and helping hand, thanks a million!

And Hogmaster tsuwm, I do admit to enjoying a good game of Hogwash®! Thank you, Mike! And thanks alot for another new addiction! Who's got a new word? We need a word! I have to have a word I tell you!

[edit] I would be remiss if I did not mention maverick's magnificient and heart-rending poem, "Common Tongue," in tribute to BeingCJ. I find myself deeply moved every time I reread it, just stunning. Thank you for that, A-. And, indeed, that entire thread showed the quality of compassion and caring that lives among the community of this board. The poem is available on Max's AWADabilia site here, under the links "The Fruits of Our Labors", then "For Carol, In Memoriam":