I've enjoyed so many experiences it is hard to pick one. The great tsuwm adventure was fun (thanks to AnnaS et al) as have been many of the long rambly wild goosechases. I loved the mondegreens and the version of Bohemian Rhapsody posted by Shanks (I think), no, after a qick nudge (see below), the wonderful Max (how could I have made that mistake), always full of surprises. I love discovering that a word that seems pretty basic to me is completely unintelligible to someone else (or vice versa).

The best time is when, rarely now, I'm up to date with all the posts and I can sit here and see the new ones pop up on the board. I've gadded about with the Kiwis in the early morning (for me), caught the divine Mr B at the end of his working day, discovered Rhuby trying to gather his thoughts before lecturing or conversed with y'all in the USofA and Canada (esp the ever-fascinating Quebec) before I go to bed. It's great to see y'all wake up and catch up with what has happened while you were asleep.

Prolly the answer is the same as the one I'd give when asked about my favourite meal. It is simple - the next one.