Well, Jazzo, that is a very good question, and not one that is easy to answer.

Like so many of you, the "best experience" is an amalgam of many good ones. Meeting Jackie (virtually) and really meeting Jo in Edinburgh for tea in the best hotel in Princes Street are an important part of it, as are the many off-board contacts with a number of you.
Another important facet is the intellectual stimulus of conversing with so many people who think that words and language are not only important but fun.

Another high spot for me was AnnaS's surprise when I made a riposte to her post about the Lugnuts - I would never have taken that much interest in the sport otherwise! BTW, I share BYB's lack of understanding about cricket! It's cultural exchanges like this that also add so much value to the board.

But I suppose if I have to pick out the single on-board aspect that really turns me on and keeps me returning, even when I haven't the time to do more than lurk, is the zany humour of so many of you - especially Max, mav and TEd, of course, but nearly everyone has, at some time, had me doubled up with laughter.

I really am looking forward to meeting some of you at this June - that's going to be the high spot of this year, if not this century!