I guess, Jazz, in some respects you're the Board mascot. Not counting our New York friend Screw-the-Pooch, you're probably the youngest person on the Board, and I think a lot of us are watching your progress with a rather proprietorial eye.

My best experience related to the Board undoubtedly had to be meeting some of you last year when Sandra and I were cavorting and carousing across the US without a care in the world except for the exchange rate.

The thing I noticed most was that everyone was exactly what they appeared to be from their posts - no one we met was using a persona which had little or no relationship to their own personalities.

And that's why what's happened in the last week or so hurts so much - I know that most of you are exactly what you seem to be. Still and all, that's not too bad, is it?

The idiot also known as Capfka ...