tell that to the young (early 30's) graduate student, who has been keep in custody for 3 months-- he was staying the hotel across the street from the WTC, and when his room was being cleared, they found a ground to air radio in the safe..

it must be that he was part of it? right? he is staying in a hotel at WTC, has an ground to air radio, he is an arab, named mohammed, and living in US on student visa..

well it turns out a pilot left it there-- the pilot didn't know where he had left it.. and had reported it stolen... only the pilot was the previous occupant of the same room, -- and there is no record of any communications from ground to either plane...and no prints but the pilots on the radio.

you might feel safe walking in LA, dear Dr. Bill.. but should some mugger dress himself up as an elderly white man, in order to be able to sneek into elevators, where he rips off his mask and assalts people.. see how easy it is to walk arround.. profiling... whether racial or ethnic or sexual is real..

you fit the profile of a victim, not of an agressor.. but if the profile is vague.. male, mid thirties, arabian.. or young, tall, thin and black.. it no fun, and you don't get treated okay..