Conceptualise a silver pig. Now think of a few more and you have Silver Pigs. Now show me a particular herd of silver pigs, and you have The Silver Pigs.

How one can tell whether a group of pigs is a herd or just a bunch of randomly collected pigs is beyond me unless it requires an intimate knowledge of pig social dynamics that I feel I would prefer to keep beyond me.

the reader's problem with "ears of corn". It actually makes more sense to me using the American definition than the British. An "ear of corn" is a common term, easily visualised, and made into headwear with not much difficulty.

Once again you baffle me. Ears of maize run about 6 to 12 inches long, are 2 to 3 inches in diameter and nowhere near flexible enough to form into headgear. But that aside, imagining a bunch of Flavian Romans mounting an expedition across the Ocean Stream to a totally unknown land to get the raw material for these headdresses boggles the mind.