All right, whoa, hold up--first--is she saying in her reply, that in England corn is what we call wheat? Secondly--I still don't get the expression 'ears of corn on his head'. Even picturing wheat, why on earth would anyone wear wheat on his head? And if she meant the corn = outdated humor, why would she say the 'ears of' part? Why wouldn't she simply say that his humor was always corny, or something like that*? I was envisioning some sort of weird hat, maybe along the lines of the Cat in the Hat striped high-toppers that were popular with kids here in recent years.

As to the title--now that I think about it, I'd be more inclined to pick up a book called Silver Pigs than I would one called The Silver Pigs. The former just sounds more intriguing, somehow--makes me want to see what these silver pigs are like. But I can't say why!

* Secret--I do know it's an expression; just wanted to point out how it sounds strange, to my "ears"! :-)