My mother said I might have started writing with my left hand but changed on my own... not sure about this. I remember much difficulty remembering the difference of "b" and "d" when I was not the least bit confused about their sound or the name of the letter I wanted to use. I suspect that the switch to my right hand may have related more directly to the schoolroom furniture. Nowadays, due to these computer keyboards, I rarely write anything unless it's my signature on a check or a R.O.C. I often feel that my left hand is better suited to using a screwdriver and I let it. When I studied German in college I learned that righthanded use of a knife is not followed by switching the fork back before consuming the severed morsel. I admired the utility of such a cultural norm. I recently discovered that I use chopsticks equally well with either hand, in spite of the fact that I set out to learn it with only one hand. Thinking that my eye-brain-hand condition may be unusual I recently wrote my name left handed... but you must hold it to a mirror to see that it truly is my signature. Now my point... I'm confused what all the fuss is about. I seem to have one of each, sinisterity and dexterity combined, and I don't feel insulted at all by either word. Perhaps you who protest too much should take up a trade with your weaker apendage and overcome the feelings of persecution by achieving that which you have heretofore felt was beyond your grasp.

Nosdrahcir Kram Nimajneb
