"If I'd'a known I was going to live this long, I'd'a taken better care of myself!"

Actually, Mickey Mantle, the New York Yankee hi wow!baseball great was quoted as saying this when he went public with his alcohol problem in the early 90's. And he would often offer this remark in many filmed interviews of the time. It seems most of the men in his family had a history of dying early (before 40) of cancer (Hodgkins, I believe) and he decided he was going to 'live it up' while he could, and never imagined he would live until his 60's. He also said that if it wasn't for his conspicuous consumption he might have had an even greater career! (not to mention that he played most of his career on bleeding legs, due to some kind of bone disease) Of course, he may have picked that saying up from an earlier quote.