For better or worse, this board is not simply a forum for the discussion of words and language. It is a community - a group of people tied together by their (metaphorical) proximity. As such, the members (using the term loosely) unconsciously develop a set of norms; a way of doing things. It is this unconsciousness, the fact that a community does not objectively view "normal" that is the cause of many problems for newcomers, strangers et al. Even in the brief time over which I have assimilated into this community, the ties that bind us have become much tighter - exemplified by the existence of WORDAPALOOZA. I think nothing of the trans-tasman rivalry in which I have become embroiled (exaggeration for effect), but, as a previous thread demonstrated, an outsider may well be shocked by this love-hate relationship. It is the nature of the long-term members to return fire, albeit good-naturedly, when attacked or when feeling vulnerable, but to do so to a newcomer is a recipe for trouble, which even the glorious welcoming party which greets new entrants can not diffuse. Conversely, a new member is not going to be welcomed if they break the norms of the community, regardless of whether they are consciously berated or just appear to have a negative je ne sais qois. The fault lies not in the people, but rather in the system.

Tune in next week for the solution. [tongue-in-cheek-e]