Stick and Stone may break my bones
But words will never harm me!

we here know that is not true-- we come here because we value words-- and we should recognize that the pen (or keyboard!) is truly a might scepter- and sometimes we are careless about how we use them.

It's hard-- yes, i come here and open up to everyone here-- i value your words (as i hope you value mine) and because i do, i open myself up to being hurt by your words..

any place where the are more than 2 people, there is some sort of politics going on-- friend form, cliques form, parties form-- and some are going to serious disagree, and some are going to become allies..That is human nature..

It saddens me when some one comes here, joins us, and then is savaged by words. I don't know what is worse -- to be publicly ripped to shreads, or to be privately! some time i think a public display of anger/hostility is better--

It has happened, sometimes seriously, sometimes in jest -- and when it does, when i see someone, who's words i value being attached-- i come to their defense-- as do many other here.

I don't know the solution.. i just hope i can learn to be as careful about how i use powerful words as i am when ever i use other tool/devise that has the power to hurt.

Jackie, i know you will do your best to convince Geoff, as you have others, that their contributions here are valued. I don't agree with every one here-- sometime i strongly disagree with positions, thoughts, ideas expressed here. but crossing thread, more than anything, i value the freedom of expression i have here.. and like Kieva, i would much rather have ideas i don't like -- being given a free airing-- than live in world where i could not freely express my own ideas.