In my recent life as a Recruitment Consultant I had occasion to interview a young chap who'd just graduated from one of our better "technical" universities. Like Angel's son he was also a biggun, coming in at around 6/6. Psychometric testing confirmed his reasoning skills as being well into the top quartile.

And his degree?............Security!

He was however, quite disillusioned with the qualification. (Before reading on, you should be aware that Aussie employers inevitably look for technical expertise in their appointees - derived either through their studies or on the job. This contrasts with the european/US & South African notion that completion of a university course indicates a person is capable of functioning on a higher plane.) No employer was impressed and crowd control companies were only interested in his size and/or his martial arts expertise. It was a new degree and he was in the first (and only) graduating class. I became a big fan of his because he stuck with the course, even after he recognised its potential lack of value before he was half way through the three years.

In hindsight, perhaps 911 has created opportunities for him and his classmates. I hope so.
