Dr. Bill-- i don't think i will ever get old enough or mature enough to be able to insulate myself from a broken heart-- the only way i know how to do it, it to isolate myself, and to stop caring about other..

all relationships end in sorrow.. because all relationships end. none of us are immortal, and i would be very depressed if i thought, at my death, no one was broken hearted, no one would feel torn asunder..

sometimes, you play the lecherous old curmungeon, and we rise up, and rant and rave, but do you doubt that many here consider you a friend? that even though we haven't met you, we care for you?

i can't begin to tell how how heartwarming it was, to come home on Sept 11, and find so many post, expressing concern for me. for the most part, everyone here is stranger to me.. but i feel loved here.

and as long as i continue to love, i continue to be open to heartbreak.