Just this morning I was thinking that with the leftover Provolone and buttery wheat bread in the fridge I would have myself a lovely "toasted cheese sandwich" tomorrow. But I thought it in a very British accent -- thereby proving that calling a grilled cheese sandwich "toasted" is yet another British abberation.

Whitman noted that: We do have a favorite sandwich in our immediate locale here on the tip of the South Jersey shore called a toasted hoagie.

There are many incorrect names for the wonderful combination of a long loaf of bread filled with various things, but to my mind, the only correct terminology is thus: a long loaf of bread filled with various things is a submarine sandwich or simply a sub. When you pass a sub through the oven to toast the bread and warm up (and melt, when appropriate) the fillings you have created a grinder. At the best pizza joints you can ask for "an Italian sub and an Italian grinder" and get two slightly different sandwiches. Hoagie me no hoagies and hero me no heroes, please.