Yes, indeed, diborg, pull up a chair. And food and drink, and pillow and blanket...sink right on in, and welcome aBoard! I shall now give you a sampling of the kind of thing you'll often find here. (Yes, people, I know that I am going to violate the suggestion that I posted a reminder about recently, of keeping Q&A serious, but there's too much above for me to resist. So sue me.)

... and we just lie back and think of England, truly we do ... [Snicker]Well, CK, I have now been shocked for the second time in two days...[Snort!]...I had no idea, truly I didn't. [Howl!]

Keiva, I think you were a little mixed up, my dear. You said 'more conveys less'; and, didn't you mean to say, "you and I were both on the side of preserving terminological distinctions."? [evil grin emoticon]


Speaking of emoticons--I just noticed that when you Reply to a post, you can now click on the words "Post Icon", and a new window will open that shows the pictures of them. (Though you still can't select one except when you open a new thread.) Somebody help me out here, please--I have too many Am-I-losing-my-mind moments: has that always been like that? Am I wrong in thinking that they used to just be in the drop-down menu and not in a separate window?