Two complaints: what happened to Tom Bombadil? The elves were not elvish enough.

The elves didn't bother me - being personally acquainted with one of them - but the lack of a Tom Bombadil did. Although I'm not sure why; after all lots of other bits and bobs got left out.

So let's get together a BBTB ('Bring Back Tom Bombadil') movement and petition Peter Jackson to get him up off the cutting room floor. Or into the script. I need to know for sure that he wasn't just Goldberry in drag. Wouldn't it have been a surreal movie if they'd cut excerpts from "Priscilla Queen of the Desert" into LOTR? that would have given one of my favourite movies a much-needed box-office boost!

Actually, though, Bingley, I'd like to hear your take on how the elves could have been made more, um, elvish!

The idiot also known as Capfka ...