i dunno, i think not having ever read the book might help an actor.. since he or she would be free to act the part as the screen writer and or director wants it done.. it might not be true to the book.. but what's new about that? i know LotR's lovers want it to be totally true to the book.. but its not...

when i was a teen, my sister got to see The Sound of Music on B'way... i was so envious. my mother suggested i read the book --the von trapp family singers i think it was called... well, i have to believe the person who did the script for the play never read the book either.. marie von trapp might not have become a nun, but her book was as religious a tract as i ever read.. i would have rather spent my days saying the rosery rather than reading her prayers.. and the book was full of prayers.. the show, and the movie on the other hand, were light hearted.. and had song.. it would take a real leap of faith to go from maria's book to hit musical.. but if you just had a synopsis, young, lonely girl, who thinks about joining the religious live, mets stern, also very regilious widower, and his kids.. family sings and prays together, and stays together.. it sounds like a great story, and it is..

as i recall, the movie ends at what is the mid point of the book. the book details the family's efforts, crossing the alps, in late september, on foot, hiding from german forces looking for them, the difficulties getting to swizterland, and finally is settled in Vermont.. a lot more prayer was involved.