Jan 2
Look here, Edward,
This has gone far enough. I tell you clearly, "no more birds; NO MORE BEASTS", so you slip into a linguistic quibble to send me nine ladies dancing. All I can say is, judging from the way they dance, they're certainly not ladies -- and it is quite obvious that your eight "milkmaids" are [as you say] maids "for hire".

The village just isn't accustomed to seeing a regiment of shameless viragos, with nothing on but their lipstick, cavorting round the green, and it's Mother and I who get the blame. If you value our friendship, which I do (less and less), kindly stop this ridiculous behavior at once!


PS: and explain yourself: where were you on New Year's Eve? and how is it that as soon as you meet dear Jackie you suddenly become preoccupied with breasts and acquainted with "ladies" of dubious virtue?