Jo, thank you for the links. Look what I found under forms of address (note--there's that weird ...arm = ...alm again): Ma'am is pronounced Mam (as in spam) rather than Marm (as in palm)
• Interesting pronunciations include:

Althorp - All-trup
De la Warr - Della-ware
Beaulieu - Bew-ly
Le Fanu - Leff-new
Blenheim - Blen-im
St John - Sin-jun
Cholmondeley - Chum-li
Theobald - Tibbald

The other site answered another question of mine, about capitalization: throughout the land the accession was declared of the youngest Monarch to succeed to the throne since 1837, when the 18-year-old Princess Victoria became Queen. So, now I know: Monarch is capitalized, at least sometimes. But, should it be, if it is used as a general ref.? As in, "England has had many monarchs"?


Dame Jacqulyn ("Jackie" is simply fah too pedestrian for a Dame...) (Oh, this is great fun! But I'll be so glad when the rest of you realize the board's back up, so I won't be talking to myself any more.)