Please excuse the interuption...

Dear Wordwind, I think Tsuwsm's post above was his attempt at sublime, subtle, humour. Notice that he failed to include references; and the last time Tsuwn was "benighted" he wasn't housebroken. Tsuwn, Dear soul, has yet to learn the use of smiley faces.

Dear Jackie, The continuation of this story will reveal irony textbookus of the third kind.

Archimedes Revenge, continued...

(Stifel was in Martin Luther's house hidding from the Pope.)...Luther was glad to have a new convert but told him to forget the numerological hogwash. Stifel didn't listen and began to comb the Bible for clues as to when the world would end. He convinced himself that doomsday was October 18, 1553, and he delivered sermons on the coming end until he was arrested. As the day came near, his parishioners spent their savings on good eating and good eating. When they woke up on October 19 and the world was still intact, they wanted to kill their deceiver and would have done so had not Luther intervened. But two death threats in one lifetime were enough for Stifil, so he gave up prophesying and devoted himself fully to mathematics. He went on to become one of the outstanding German algebrists of the sixteeth century.

So Mr. Bingly, never let it be said that Milum doesn't document his postings regardless of cost. Let's see...11 gal. at .94 per for Andys pick up truck= $10.94. Checking out books without a library card= $.50. Five Blackjack and Branch at 3.75 per, plus tip= $24.00. Mr. Bingly I care A total of $36.i4 for the rightful proceedures of this board.