I am with Jackie and Whitman on this one Dr. bill--we share a language, and there is enough TV and other sound-based media out there that we are not going to lose site of "car" even if Wow "Pahrks her cahr in hahrvahrd yahrd" and soda makers of all stripes are not going to go out of business even if all the sweeted, cabonated beverage Jackie drinks are called coke... even if they are orange or cream or lemon-lime.

i might say rode--ee--oh and my california daughter in law says row--dayo, but we both know what we are taking about, a rodeo. we can live with House ton being the proper way to say a ny street, and Hew-ston being a city in texas --and both are spelt Houston. there is no right or wrong way to say it.. there is a NY way, and Texan way.. both are right, and both are understood!