The Essence, Origin, and Developement of Humour...or...How I bought a brand new doublewide for Mom. - Milo Washington

Humour is a displacement mechanism. The oriental giggles at the faux pas, she is embarrassed. A bear in mid-charge ,stops, turns, shrugs (figuratively), and goes off to play with a stick. She is confused. The man didn't run. She is embarrassed by the man's inappropriate behavior. The elephant doesn't charge the Landrover, he redirects his anger and knocks down a tree. We humans are a economical bunch, we smile, laugh, at the incongruent in order to get out of the kill mode. Poking fun at another is a indication that one has affection for the other, in other words a joke is an act of kindness towards others or ourselves. A joke is a request FOR forgiveness of the perpetrator of a stupidity, a joke is man's own attempt at Godlike kindness.
Thank you.
PS: Dear tED Remmington, At $50.00 a pop I figger that in redneck jokes alone, you owe me more than all the money that was or ever will be. Please send it soon . I plan to give most of it to charity.