Dear WW: this old grinch refuses to believe yarn about your pet using tusks to hold up head during nap. It seems in class of fable such as those of side hill fimf, etc. But closer to home, I have seen something not very many people have. Skunks have to get tail out of way to spray victim effectively. I saw one in my yard, unable to spray me because the wind was from me to it. It stood up on its front paws, with abdomen facing me, tail hanging down on side away from me, craning its neck around front legs to keep me in view, and front paws shifting position to get best aim. But it was at enough of a disadvantage that it had to hold its fire, and I could get a good look at it because it was close to porch light. The way it danced on its front paws to get best aim was really comical.
You may be sure I waited until it dropped its hindquarters and scurried away into the darkness before I went up the walk to enter the house.