
Thanks for the photograph. What I saw appeared to be a rolling pin. I've saved the photograph to my desktop photographs. The flour with the egg pool (I think they must have been eggs) speaks of promise, good things to come, anticipation... I wonder whether there's a word that describes that image of flour with egg. It merits one.

An aside, I saw a Fellini film years and years ago that had a lot of food preparation in it. It was one of the most delicious films I've ever seen in terms of the sight of foods to be prepared. There was a scene in which a kitchen table held many peppers--it was a feast of red and green for the eyes .

Oh, and here's a thread cross-stitch, a word from Mrs. Byrne I left on tsuwm's Fuzzle thread, but is appropriate here, too:

yill-caup n. -- an ale cup or mug.

Best regards,