I also like épergne, the stacked levels of usually three plates on a central post. I once went to a tea in which the hostess had filled each plate (actually, they were more like bowls) with sugar and had put cones similar to canolli into the sugar--charming.

Salt cellars are cool...
Finger bowls are rare, but precious to think about...
Salvers stacked high with roast beef are succulent to think about...
Toby mugs are totally useless, but fun to say...
The groaning board sounds like where I'd like to be...
And waffle irons always waffle and never waffle... (Why does waffle mean waffle when the waffle iron turns out something of such predetermined pattern?)
Tea eggs are laid by Chinese chefs...
Carving knife has a good enough sound to put into a nursery rhyme...
Also, Polly put the kettle on...
Which brings in a tea cozy...
And tea tray...

I'd love to learn some more rare ones, however, like the mezza luna. I hope I'll have grandchilren one day to take out the mezza luna one night for slicing celery for ruby salad--then out to look at the moon...