There are some beautiful-sounding words associated with the culinary arts.

Cauldron is a personal favorite, both for sound and the images of bountiful, bubbling things being prepared.

Also, the mezza luna (hope spelling is correct), this cutting implement's being a crescent moon with a handle on each end.

And then there's the colander--I edited out the superfluous "l," thanks to my friend, wwh--the speckled holes through which liquid drains.

Cauldron, colander, mezza luna...and many more. I'm curious about the objects we find in our kitchens that ring with a sound that is pleasurable to contemplate along with their sometimes interesting purposes.

I must add the runcible spoon from The Owl and the Pussycat, which was a fanciful spoon non-existent at the time, but which you may now purchase as a sort of pickle knife, tined with curving, spoonlike tines.

Any others that come to mind?