My little wading pool is going dry...

Let's see: There are "feet of clay"
And a Labrador retriever has webbed toes...but can't recall the exact term...

There must be a wealth of terms to describe various birds' feet. Do we have a resident ornithologist on board?

There are toenails, toenail clippers and a pedicure...
And a football, but that's a sport...
Up north there are the Finger Lakes--are there any Toe Lakes?
Well, at least there's Toelstoi and Toelkein...
And pickled pigs' feet, foot stools, and fallen arches...
And what do you call those clamps you put on your shoes to aerate the lawn?
Cowboy boots, and thigh-boots, and rubber boots, and snakeskin boots and wading boots...
Wooden shoes and clogs, high-heeled sneakers and jogging shoes...flip-flops, mules, ruby slippers...Oxfords, spectator shoes, and Cinderella's glass slippers...

How 'bout the pedal-operated sewing machine? Does it have a special name?
And what do you call it when you pace back and forth like a tiger in a cage?
Charleston, Big Apple, Watusi, and the bop...
Tango, calypso, rhumba, samba, and mambo...
Hula and hip-hop, polka and waltz, Bunny Hop and Macarena,
and the Electric Slide...
There are catwalks and ballhooters and spingboards and trampolines...
There are bunions and callouses and blisters...
There's walking down the Primrose Path...

I still would like to know why dogs are hambled...
Oh, my achin' feet!

And speaking of going in feet first in a post above, what about the canonball!!