Bravo, tsuwm, on parallelepiped Till looking it up, I imagined parallel lines of flautists padding away while tooting...

Hoof and mouth disease
Hoofed it out of there

If a woman's second toe is the longest, she will dominate any romantic relationship (Just thought I'd throw that little bit of folk wisdom on board...)

Sticking one's foot into one's mouth (I am gifted at this)
Marching orders
Shuffle off to Buffalo
Time step
Pitter-patter of little feet
Toe in the door
Foot in the door
"Your mother wears army boots!" (This is just for Jackie, whom I quote from the insult thread...)
Shoe store
"We're going to have a really big shoe!" Ed Sullivan
"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe."
Silk stockings
Seamless stockings

Trod, plod, shod, hop, skip, jump, spring, spin, twist, sprint, ramble, scramble, jaunter, lollygag, loiter, break away...

And there's got to be a verb for the musician who keeps time by beating his toe inside his shoe...

Then there's relevé and jeté...and probably lots of others like these.