I'll take us right into the gutter with Foot fetish

as you may or may not know, the grey matter of you brain is folded.. think of a large sheet of newpaper fold again and again to fit into a smaller space. Since information tends to be mapped to a specific part of the brain, these fold can cause area of the body -- with no relationship to each other to be very close..

the face --especailly the cheek of the face-- lies next to the fingers.. and in people who have lost fingers, stroking their face "reads" like touching their fingers.. the finger area of the brain, since it no longer was recieving any input--tends to merge with the area next to it.. in this case the Face.

an other common cross over of "sensation" is the feet and the genitals. these mapped areas are very close, and for unknown reasons, there is often a cross over.. maybe because its common to play with babies feet, (this little piggy, and other games) maybe because both have some many nerve endings.. but for what ever reason, it is very common to have a cross over of sensation between the areas.. usually it is mild.. and we "play footsie" or enjoy a foot massage, or just find feet, or shoes to be attractive or if a bit more intense, enjoy having our toes kissed or sucked on.. in extreme cases, the foot becomes the center for stimulation.. and one has a foot fetish... for the same reason, there is the common myth that foot size is related to the size of other parts of the anatomy...
Well that should keep us on our toes for today...