Elephants can't jump...

Oh, no!...Don't get Max started on the pedal peculiarities of elephants again!

36. Two-thirds of the world's aubergines are grown in the state of New Jersey.

I've lived in New Jersey for most of my life and I've never heard an eggplant called an aubergine. In fact I had to look it up. And I'm a gardener and worked as a produce clerk in a supermarket here.

25. The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is still attached to its body. The female gets around this by ripping his head off.

From hereon in, I'll thank God every day that I'm not a male praying mantis!!!! O the horror! the horror!

22. An ant falls over on its right side when intoxicated.

I always hated having to step over those damn drunken ants! What a nuisance!