i've always thought "he couldn't keep her" meant she keep straying (just how? wandering away or gone off to play?) because he didn't have enough dough ray me..

so he couldn't keep her (at home, at her chores) because he couldn't keep her (in satins and silks, with maids and other other luxuries.)

but until i was 12 or so, i didn't realize that the dirty magazine in:
Ink a bink, a bottle of ink, the cork fell out and you stink
Not because you're dirty, not because you're clean,
just because you kissed a boy, behind a dirty magazine!

meant an X rated magazine, and not one that some one had dropped on the sidewalk, and had been left out in the rain, and run over by the bus..
amazing isn't in? there once was a time when i was was pure in thought, and in deed!
the red is a counting out song.. like eeny, meeny, miney, mo....