I posted this poem in the Spanish only version some time ago. I learned it by heart because the first time I ever heard it said was at the circle up North by a guy who mangled the Spanish so badly that I just had to tell him so. His reaction?"You learn the Spanish, then, and we'll say it together." By the time I got it learned, he had moved to California and we have never, in 15 years, said this poem together. I still remember it in hopes...(I just can't remember the dang title!)

Tu vientre sabe mas
Que tu cabeza
Pero no tanto
Como tus musclos
Es la fuerza bella
De tu cuerpo desnudo
Signo de selva
El tuyo
Con tus collares rojos
Tus brazeletes de oro curvo
Y ese caiman
Nadando en el Zambeze
De tus ojos.
-Nicolas Guiellen

Your belly knows more
Than your head
But not as much
As your thighs
Is the beautiful black force
Of your naked body
Sign of the jungle
With your red necklaces
Your curved bracelets of gold
And that alligator
Swimming in the Zambeze
Of your eyes.