gymkana, in her latest incarnation, seems fascinated with excarnation. I would have thought that an ex-carnation was a dead one. Never mind.

If'n y'all are interested in the Parsis - and they have an interesting culture - I suggest you read "The Crow Eaters" by Bapsi Sidhwa. It's a novel, and it's about the Homer Simpson of the Parsi world, one Faredoon (Freddy) Junglewallah and his family. Sidhwa is a Parsi herself and succeeds in taking the mickey out of her culture while at the same time leaving you sympathetic to it and a damned sight more knowledgeable about it than you were before you read the book. You laugh with the characters rather than at them.

I reviewed the book for the local newspaper many years ago, and it's one of about twenty hardbacked review books I didn't pass on to the local library immediately. Or sooner if possible in many cases.

The idiot also known as Capfka ...