I was struck by this word today, and began to wonder if it was derived from the bird or from some other source. I found this definition in Atomica:

rav·en·ous (răv'ə-nəs)
Extremely hungry; voracious.
Rapacious; predatory.
Greedy for gratification: ravenous for power. See synonyms at voracious.
[Middle English, from Old French ravineux, from raviner, to take by force, from Vulgar Latin *rapīnāre, from Latin rapīna, plunder. See rapine.]

This etymology, though sensible, doesn't quite satisfy me. I still think that the bird must be involved somehow! The OED definition of raven included this side note:

The common raven is easily tamed, but is mischievous and thievish, and has been popularly regarded as a bird of evil omen and mysterious character. (my emphasis)

Does anybody else think there might be a connection, or am I just out to lunch?