And how do we explain "Franglais"? It can't be a French word because only the english speak "Franglais" .
Franglais is a different kettle of fish because it was born by having the two languages side by side. I suspect you have the same sort of thing in the various parts of Europe where the borders have moved back and forth every few years.

Franglais is spoken by French people and hence the word being French. Example, I asked one of my brothers-in-law how you would say four-wheel drive in French:
1. Le four by four.
2. Le quatre par quatre.
3. La propulsion à quatre roues motrices.

In many cases the English is used because it is shorter and easier so say. One of the jobs of the Office de la langue français is stamp out these anglicisms.

In Montréal especially, you will hear Englench(??) because French is the dominant language. When going to the corner store I would say, "I'm going to the dépanneur (or the dep)."

Finally, there is a third case that should not be lumped in with the others: that of someone learning a second language. When speaking French, if I don't know the French word for something, I just insert the English word (with a French accent), hope for the best, and continue on.