Ted, we don't see you as merely a board. You really need to work on your self-esteem.

As far as Osamamania, I agree that there are those women who are attracted to the domineering, sick-minded men. I recall an old study of mine in high school on serial killers (all the good topics were gone) where I read over and over about the cultish following that such monsters as Manson and Bundy had. These 'men' received countless marriage proposals, pen pal letters, nude pics, etc. from women who thought they were special.

I find power in a man very intriguing.....but not physical power or weaponry power. Anyone can have power if given the physical characteristics or a gun, it's those that wield power due to their knowledge or personality that are attractive. Quiet confidence is also a very attractive trait for today's intelligent, type-A female. I would hardly characterize OJ or Osama (hmmmm....both start with an O) as quietly confident.