plutarch, this reads like so much bloviation to me; here's why:

1) "What does the "brericauda" stand for?", you are asking. It stands for New Era.
on the contrary, it means "short-tailed", according to your source, which leaves us to assume that "Blovian" actaully is the *shrew itself*!!

2) The "dot com bubble" lasted approximately 3 years... 3 years is 20% longer than Short-tailed shrew Blovian brericauda 2.5(yrs). this is statistically significant.

3) but here's the kicker. the actual, real, true scientific name of the Short-tailed Shrew is Blarina brevicauda!!! [brevi (short) + cauda (tail)]

{Paradigalla brevicauda = Short-tailed Bird-of-Paradise}

btw, I just noticed the transposition going on between
blarina brevicauda and
blovian brericauda